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    Wednesday, August 12, 2009


    "I can still taste it on my tongue." - Boys Like Girls, Lovedrunk.

    Okay, let me explain why I'm so completely desperate to go for the MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia concert.

    1. It's MTV World Stage. In Malaysia. Duh.
    2. It's the last big thing I'll probably get to go for before SPM.
    3. I'm missing Anberlin in Singapore because of SPM.
    4. This could be the biggest, best-est concert of my teenage life, which is dwindling quickly.
    5. The All-American Rejects may never come down here again.
    6. I might never get this chance again while here in Malaysia.

    HOW'S THAT? is seriously trying my patience right now. I've been waitin about two hours for the cue to call and it STILL hasn't come. THEY HAD BETTER ANSWER THE PHONE WHEN I CALL OR I SWEAR I WILL GO TO THE STUDIO TO MURDER ADAM C.

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